
Inventor professional student download
Inventor professional student download

inventor professional student download

In the systematic review, 316 papers were found in three academic databases and 75 relevant papers were selected. The starting point of the review is the research questions, then keywords, selection of the databases, definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the definition of the search chains, search process and selection of papers, the analysis of the paper, and the results of the systematic review to answer the questions posed. This paper presents a systematic review of models and methodologies that integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) and education. The paper gives an example of using the application module of the Autodesk Inventor software package to calculate one of the problems of material resistance.One of the main goals of education at the global level has reduced the educational gap by bringing education to all people around the world. Emphasis is placed on improving understanding of the subject area when integrating experimental research and finite element modelling. The article shows the relevance of the development of students of applied programs that contribute to improving the readiness of students for engineering activities. An important component in the formation of information competence is the ability to use ready-made software products in their professional activities. A n I n t e r n a t i o n a l M u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y R e s e a r c h J o u r n a l (Dou b l e B li n d Re fe r e e d & Re vi e we d I n te r n a ti on a l J ou r n a l) ABSTRACT The article is devoted to the formation of students' information competence in the study of the discipline "Resistance of materials".

Inventor professional student download